Thursday, September 5, 2013

Can we feed the children FIRST????????????

I know we all have something that just irks us to no end.  We stew on it and sleep on it and it never resolves.

My longtime "irk" has been commercials to save animals and of course, PETA.

Don't get me wrong.  I love animals and have had quite a few from fish to dogs.

But come on people, isn't it more important to feed all the children in the United States that don't have enough to eat????????????

There are thousands in my state living way below the poverty line.  I have read statistics about how many are starving, but you can make stats go where you want them.  We are know that, right???

I realize animals need help too, but I would love to see all these celebrities speak up for the children!!!

The Food Network is doing a great service with their program, but it surely isn't enough.

I do not believe for one second that there is any reason a child should no be fed...and that is being fed before the poor animals.  If you have a choice and can only contribute to one or the other, can you really live with choosing an animal???????????  And let the child starve???????  And I won't even get into the problem of abuse.

Every time I see a commercial showing those poor mistreated animals, I do feel badly for them.  But it just fuels my fire to not see the same thing for children!!!

That is all for today. Please feel free to join my efforts.  Thanks for reading.